Monday, January 25, 2016

Hunger Games Mocking Jay: Part II; Pheeeew Finally an Ending

Katniss, Katniss, Katniss, she finally got to storm and face “The district Headquarters” head on. Well as usual, expect some spoilers, but not much, so you still have to watch it, if you planned to. So where do I start, well different form the preceding Hunger Games Movies which were rather more action packed (like more than half of the movie), this one captured a more emotional side of the characters, Katniss’s trust that Peeta would always be on their side. I particularly found the journey to the capital to be very adventure ridden and the capital’s armory was just wooow, some serious fire power action. The best twist for me was that of a meeting between President Snow and Katniss.
The best part of course after the triumph of the districts in overthrowing President Snow was the fairy tale ending of Katniss and Peeta finally been reunited and well the rest you’ll have to find out. Ratings wise, I must say, it started slow but progressed into a more captivating tempo so I give it an overall 8.0/10. Action was quite intriguing, with a 7.0/10, humour well not much but a 6.0/10 will do. Visual effects where flawless at 8.5/10 and the screenplay and cinematography I must admit where quite good too, I will give it a 8.5/10. Enjoy the movie guys, catch me again when we review another blockbuster. #entertainmentzone24/7